
Heather - 2004-02-17 23:41:46
Maia said today that she had a memory of Jasmine. It was a time she was admitted to Flagstaff Medical Center with pneumonia. She remembers watching a Disney movie with her, although she can't recall which one it was. She remembers sitting next to her on the bed, but I can't confirm what she's remembering. My memories of that time are vague as well, but I do remember which room she stayed in on the peds floor, and I remember how happy she was with the balloon we brought. We spent today reviewing the recent pictures you've sent us over the last year. She was such a special child. The loss is tremendous.
Mariah - 2004-03-08 10:20:35
I also know the feeling of my life having a Before and an After. The world looks so different to me here in the After. A friend of mine told me grief is like standing in the ocean. At first the waves knock you down constantly. After a long time, they come less frequently and are less severe. It might eventually seem like you are standing in a still ocean. But you are still standing in it. Once in a while a wave blows up and knocks you down again. But they do come less frequently with time. A long time.

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