
Marcy - 2004-10-13 14:26:14
And you wonder why people open up to you? :) ::HUGS::
Cedar - 2004-10-13 15:51:36
Wow. That second-to-last paragraph? Damn, girl. What if, indeed.
Mayhem - 2004-10-13 16:04:29
Grief is something that happens to everyone. Whether it is the death of a child (my father never really got over my sister dying), parents, other relatives, pets or even jobs and dreams. It isn't really the source that matters it is how we cope with it. You got back up there and know that you will survive. I did too with parents gone, sister gone, pets gone and it is all part of the cycle of life. To me it allows the cycle of birth, life and rebirth to continue. Pretty special when I think of it that way. And no one can take away the memories of those that have come through my life. Good for you and I hope that those in question can see that it is a path we all must walk alone, but that people will try to hold up lanterns so they can see the way.
LA - 2004-10-13 17:02:48
I wrote an entry a couple years ago on similar lines. I hated that other people would put qualifiers on their remarks and tell me they had no business complaining, etc, etc compared to how bad I had it. You said it far more eloquently. You're a treasure, I hope you know that. ~LA
purple chai - 2004-10-13 18:17:49
Honey, you hit the mark plenty, probably way more than you realize. Your continual examination of grief, yours and in general, is always surprisingly real and beautifully expressive.
Mom - 2004-10-13 22:33:36
There are few that are gifted like you,I was very blessed to have a daughter like you, you have a way of writing that says volumes of what you write about,Love you, Mom

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