
Amber - 2004-11-23 19:20:57
So were you a pretty man lol. I have never had a dream like that.
Mo - 2004-11-23 19:28:22
Yes... I have had a few dreams where I am a man. Strangely enough, I am usually a man defending a woman AND it's usually a complete story. I don't have them often, but when I do, I pay attention.
Rowan - 2004-11-23 19:51:45
Psychologically speaking, it sounds as if your animus is trying to get something across to you.
Mo - 2004-11-23 22:12:23
Yes... but what? Last time I had a man dream, my therapist thought it was my inner champion defending my innocence. This time? I'm not so sure. I'm not as sure these people are me -- or maybe they are. I've been reading a lot of Feri stuff recently, and rereading it from that take, I wondered about it being my fetch and Nimue. Hm.
Willow - 2004-11-23 23:10:16
There's also the Feri idea of the Shadow Lover. I think Thorn mentions it in her book. If not, then I'm pretty sure Victor mentions it in Etheric Anatomy.
Mo - 2004-11-23 23:22:44
Thanks, Willow. (I just found myself wanting to call you Will, like in Buffy -- very nerdy of me) I'll check it out; I have both books.
Beth - 2004-11-24 14:32:07
I have found that the dreams you have in the middle of the day are by far the strangest, and most of the time the hardest to wake up from. What an odd dream.

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