
Jess - 2004-09-15 13:51:53
I agree -- the Kerry campaign doesn't seem to be pulling it together. I'm afraid my optimism regarding this election is at a low right now. I'll definitely look for you at Pagan Pride, but I have no idea what TAWN is -- clue me in, will ya? :)
Heather - 2004-09-16 00:03:54
I agree that Kerry must change something. The same 'ole same 'ole isn't getting him anywhere. On Tuesday I was driving to work almost neck n neck with a minivan with a Bush/Cheney sticker on the back. Mentally I just *had* to make my exit before he passed me. I merged right to make my exit and then swung hard to the left, all before Bushy-van could eat my dust. Fitting, I thought. Heh. Today I drove home with two other pickup trucks sporting Kerry/Edwards stickers. In my community! I'm looking for the littlest signs from beyond to draw on for strength. /corny rant

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